Blevio |
- Giuditta Pasta, prima donna of La Scala Theatre, came to Blevio for short retreats whenever she could. Vincenzo Bellini, a great admirer of Giuditta, lived in Moltrasio on the other side of the lake. When the weather was fine, the musician would take a boat and row over to Villa Roccabruna where the singer resided and stop under her windows. Today, the luxury resort Casta Diva evokes the magial atmosphere of that time.
Right: panorama facing Villa Da Riva, formerly owned by the Ricordi family, music publishers from Milan. The villa became home to the Italian pop singer Ivana Spagna, who claims-believe it or not-to have seen the ghost of the soprano Giuditta Pasta.
The fabulous Villa Troubetzkoy, known as "villa delle streghe" (villa of the witches),
built in 1850 by
the Russian prince Troubetzkoy, also owner of the Ca' d'Oro of Venice.
Witches, fairies and pixies...
The plate in memory of music publishers Artaria, native to Blevio, who printed the compositions of Mozart, Beethoven and Rossini.
The garden Riva Stendhal.
- Palm trees in the Riva Stendhal garden, near the typical restaurant Momi.
- This small garden is the pier.
Like the other villages on this side of the river, Blevio is characterized by a rustic shoreline and clusters of houses perched along the mountain slope. |
The rustic pathway through the uphill hamlets of Cazzanore, Mezzovico, Capovico and Sopravilla. |
Cats of Blevio... |
In ancient times, wash houses were places where the women of the village use to go to rinse their clothes and talk amiably. |